Wednesday 22 September 2010

Bad Boys II Poster Analysis

­­­­­­­Bad Boys II
I thought that this was a very interesting poster. It doesn’t match the action comedy type conventions we normally see, such as a comical action, the title in a humorous font and a lot of detail in the poster. Instead what we get here is a seriously bold title in brick capitals and the two main characters full stop. There appears to be a lot of destruction and mayhem behind the two men, this could imply that there are going to be some serious action scenes, stunts and explosions by what is shown.
It is an extremely unusual poster seeing as it has no director (Michael Bay) written any brands or any real information. I guess it is a good tactical ploy though, because the poster itself does attract ones’ eye, and because of the minimal amount of information it causes those who are interested to research it; they then feel that they are more involved with advertisement and the release of this film because of all the trouble they went through to find out about it. Plus the two actors who are included make it worth finding out about. These two characters look very anxious about something and seem like they’re going to do something serious in order to get it done.

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