Sunday, 8 May 2011

Difficulties I Faced That Were Later Achieved

During the filming of 'Retribution' I hit a lot of road bumps. There were too many variable factors. The main one was filming; I was able to arrange a time where a friend could help me film, which worked well until I discovered the over exposure issue I explained to you. So to arrange another event to film the production from scratch made things a whole lot more difficult and way too close to the deadline. So I had to do extensive planning of exactly how long I would need to film, at what time and specific locations, once I had achieved this and informed my friend again, it wasn't that hard to persuade him. This was only because I went the extra mile, because if I didn't then i would have nothing to convince him with and for all he knew it could have taken weeks.

Another problem I encountered was when I was editing. I found myself doing pretty much 4/5 things simultaneously; I had to edit the film with in a certain time frame, add schedules, plots, scripts and so on to the blog and all within a deadline I wasn't going to meet. I persevered however and discovered when I put my mind to it, I made sure to cancel out all the distractions that had prevented me from working before and it worked to my advantage, and I finally completed everything I needed to.

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