Wednesday, 4 May 2011

About The Main Character

In the film I chose to create a mysterious character with many hidden characteristics. I didn't give him a name, i kept everything he done limited to keep the audience guessing.

I decided to give him a laid back dress sense. Jeans and a jacket were enough to reflect that. I thought that if I gave him something extravagant to wear, like an Armani suit or something very youth-like such as track suits and a hooded top, then my point would be tangled by what i didn't want the audience to pay much attention to.

As you could see in the film that he had a bit of a temper, at times he would get a little impatient, restless and would raise his voice. I felt that this was important as different people have certain characteristics in life that may relate to one or more of these and therefore allowing them to feel closer to the character. 

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