Monday 4 October 2010

Target Audience Profile

I will try to target people aged 15-44. This would be people who are looking for something interesting and unlike everyday occurrences. Something that can make them potentially think and try to figure out. They are more interested in what's about to happen next rather than what just happened.

They have predictions about the ending so that when it happens they can be surprised. They also need to be confident and be able to take things seriously, have interests in many movies and not just the one. Take an interest in a few series they may keep up with.

Feel that a film had an impact and not just disregard what they just watched with minimal interest.

I will aim to please all and differ from regular films and take a step into a risky change.

Watching this film will cause you to think back over the length of the movie and add all the pieces together with satisfaction.

It will change the way you think about films today and see how it was different for you.

A reason to believe would be that it is in a known location with generally realistic actions.

A brand character may be a confused man with limited options not knowing where his life is headed and going wherever the wind takes him.

Once the film has been watched the slight temptation to watch it again will cross your mind. It may even want you to tell one or two people about it.

Whenever the thought 'What just happened?' enters your mind, you will be reminded of this.

This person will tend to watch T.V on a regular basis with a variation in series/film genre. They will enjoy twists and turns in every program or the ends of films. However this person will not be a couch potato, they have a life and a job/at school but they will go out of their way not to miss an episode on a weekly basis and willing to go to the cinema in order to watch a good film.

This person is not your every day man who has the same routine day in day out. They'll be willing to shake up their day and do something different in order to remember that day instead of letting it blend into the rest.

There interests would be films such as 'Inception', The 'Bourne' Trilogy, '88 Minutes' and 'The Departed'. There would be several series that strike interest such as 'Flash Forward',' Lost', 'Prison Break (Season 1) and many more. However this person is no stranger to comedy genre such as 'Two & Half Men', 'Scrubs' and 'Friends'

These viewers are extremely important to the production companies and Television Broadcasters as without them they would be nothing. So the intention would be to produce everything that would suit these people in order for viewings and ratings to stay high. This person will also view regularly if they like a series as if people began missing it viewings would go down and the program would get cancelled.

Saturday 2 October 2010

Film Questionnaire

  1. Do you enjoy a high paced action Film?
  2. Do you like having complications during the film that go unsolved and left for you to decide, or do you prefer to be given the answer?
  3. Are you a fan of cliffhangers or endings with a twist?
  4. Do you mind listening to a voice over that explains something to you when it isn't possible to be done through dialogue?
  5. Do you like watching a film where the location is known to you, either because it's famous or you've been there before?
  6. Do you enjoy little hints that appear implicitly in the beginning of a film and are then answered explicitly later on?
  7. Do you like having one character to concentrate on or would you prefer a variety of characters that may confuse you furthermore?
  8. Do you like rapid editing with multiple things going on at once or would you prefer slow and something you can keep up with comfortably?
  9. Do you like being asked rhetorical questions within a film or do you like having no interaction with the film?
  10. Do you like having to think about something that may or may not have happened in the film caused by something that triggers that or do you like a completely straight forward story?

People had a general positive attitude to the questions asked and agreed with me on most of them. They all enjoy a high paced action film. Most enjoyed a twist here and there but some didn't want to be put through the hassle. All but a few enjoyed a good cliffhanger. Some were really impressed by films that summarized with voice overs and it simply didn't matter with others. The general feel was a positive one, everybody had pretty much positive feedback on the questions asked which gave me confidence to go on.

Costumes & Props

In this film I have decided that I am going to use casual wear for costume on the character at hand. I feel that this will attract minimal attention to him and his previous life (seeing as the audience will not know). What this will do is allow him to be at any location on Oxford Street and allow no complications of him not fitting in as such; He can be in a cafe and look inconspicuous and he can be on the street and look like an innocent bystander, which is the main aim I am trying to achieve.

For props I will be using quite a few things to construct the film. One of which will be a tissue of a chosen cafe to represent the characters' leading clue. A Santander receipt will also be used to have instructions on it at one point in the film. An envelope later in the film is used as an unidentified delivery but the prop that will be most effective is the lighting. Thos is down to the whole ending being based on the implication that something is going to happen, but obviously in real life it is not possible, so hopefully with all props used and editing to its' best, I may be able to pull it off.


Inspiration For Creating A Film Such As This

 I felt that there needed to be several factors in order to make me think about creating a short film such as this. The first film that entered my mind was 'The Bourne Identity' and how Matt Damon was a brilliant actor in that film. It was in my opinion directed brilliantly by Doug liman. Who directed the trilogy and clearly did a great job of it.

The story was crafted very well and simply pushed the climax to an extreme limit. I thoroughly enjoyed the trilogy and found that the stunts and storyline were absolutely brilliant. I thought to myself, if I could create something anywhere near that magnitude I would be thrilled.

I also watched the film 'Eagle Eye' and thought that it was very well constructed and carried out excellently with Shia Labeouf who's an extremely talented young actor. I enjoyed the film as it had a unique feature where there was an unknown formula in the equation that was telling them what to do and they had to comply.

I thought that the story was clever and the fact that there were several action scenes going on at the same time was pulled off very well. In my opinion the directing was brilliant and this allowed the extent of the film to be understood at a high pace.

The series 'Lost' was a tremendous spectacle and I found it to be the most interesting and yet action packed series I have ever watched. I loved the fact of how it ended the way that it started and I found that to be an extremely smart way in which one could end the run of a terrific series.

It was a very well constructed series and the effects and storyline were used extremely well. The story took more twists than a double helix. The special effects went hand in hand. This has to be one of the only series I've watched that has had me on the edge of my seat throughout all six seasons.

The series 'FlashForward' was also very influential as it was extremely high paced with a lot of stories going on at once and I felt that it had something to say in each episode which was a very well constructed season.

It was one of the first in its' kind. It was very unique and had an absolutely outstanding pilot episode. Unfortunately it was cut off the air after its' first season. This was very disappointing and showed that a series can be as good as it was and the luck can still fall in the opposing favor.

The film 'Next' had a very clever storyline with an unforeseeable ending which turned out to be in my opinion, brilliant. I think that Nicholas Cage is a remarkable actor and this was another film he showed how good he truly is.

It had a very complex plot and kept me guessing the whole way which caused me to interact and therefore caused me to enjoy it. That is the sort of thing I want to happen when creating my short film and if done correctly I believe is possible.

Finally, I thought that '88 Minutes' starring Al Pacino was a great film as it included rapid editing, quick scenes and moved on to the next part of the story very quickly. I liked the fact that the main character only had 88 minutes to live and the film was shot, based around that, and kept reminding the audience of how long he had left at each stage.

Another film that had a very good plot with high paced action throughout. It had me on the edge my seat until the very end which concluded with satisfaction.

Retrospective Directors Cut (Written By Mohamad Hamdan)

(Directors Cut)

Ext. Oxford Street - A Cold Winter's Day

LS: Of this very busy high street with many people and cars going up and down the street from all directions.

Ext. Oxford Street - A Cold Winter's Day

Birds Eye View Shot: Of the main character, face down on the ground, motionless. (Multiple shots of this and dissolves as introductory credits roll)

Ext. Oxford Street - A Cold Winter's Day

ECU: Of the Character on the floor. (On level with his face)

Ext. Oxford Street - A Cold Winter's Day

A Panning Shot: Of the main character getting up to his feet but the camera begins on one side and rises with him in the opposite way.
Uhh, what the hell? Where am I

Ext. Oxford Street - A Cold Winter's Day

Tracking Shot: From behind the character as he approaches people asking random questions.
What happened? What day is it? Did you see it?

Ext. Oxford Street - A Cold Winter's Day

Tracking Sot: From in front of him, back pedalling as he walks toward the camera. He then notices the burnt note and tissue in his pocket and then stops.

Ext. Oxford Street - A Cold Winter's Day

The camera tracks and pans from above to see what is in his hand.

Ext. Oxford Street - A Cold Winter's Day

MS: Of him having a flash, much distress on his face and hands used to hold his head in pain.

Ext. Oxford Street - A Cold Winter's Day

Multiple Flashes going off in his head from actual filming (This will be completed through editing.)

Ext. Oxford Street - A Cold Winter's Day

Tracking Shot/Hand-held: Of him running around looking for the cafe.

Ext. Oxford Street - A Cold Winter's Day

Mid Shot: Of him standing outside looking at the tissue and then at the cafe.

Int. Cafe 'X' - A Cold Winter's Day

A Tracking Shot: Of him entering from behind (If possible have one door open and then shift the camera through what seems to be the gap in order to reveal the setting inside)

Int. Cafe 'X' - A Cold Winter's Day

Hand - Held: Of him trying to find the seat he remembered.

Int. Cafe 'X' - A Cold Winter's Day

LS/Zoom: Of him and then noticing the note on the tissue on the table in front of him, he looks around bewildered about how it got there.

Ext. Oxford Street - A Cold Winter's Day

LS: As he leaves the cafe to reach the sidewalk, the camera tracks him up until it reaches the door and stops, while the doors close and he is stood there looking in a forward direction.

Ext. Oxford Street - A Cold Winter's Day

CU: Of the character  looking down at the note and then looking around as if to do it what it says.
 Complete all of the following tasks before 'X' o'clock

Ext. Oxford Street - A Cold Winter's Day

TS: Of the character going near a lamp post and the view of a wallet in sight.

Pick up the wallet at the North-East entrance beside the bin

Ext. Oxford Street - A Cold Winter's Day

LA-CU: Of character picking out the card of the wallet and then trashing it.

Take out the card in the hidden compartment and then trash the wallet.

Ext. Oxford Street - A Cold Winter's Day

TS: Of the character walking up to the ATM from behind and looking around suspiciously.

Insert the card into an ATM, enter the numbers 2, 5, 2 and the number you see in front of you.

Ext. Oxford Street - A Cold Winter's Day

CU: Of the character with a puzzled look on his face.

Ext. Oxford Street - A Cold Winter's Day

CU: Of his hand showing the number 5.

Ext. Oxford Street - A Cold Winter's Day

LS: Of him turning around with a receipt and an envelope in his hand.

Take the receipt and the envelope.

Ext. Oxford Street - A Cold Winter's Day

TS: Of the two subjects in view along with character.

Do not under any circumstances open the envelope.

Ext. Oxford Street - A Cold Winter's Day

TS: Of him walking and then suddenly stops and takes the note closer to his face, as if he can't make out a word.

Give it to ... huh, oh come on... theeee.....

Ext. Oxford Street - A Cold Winter's Day

MS: Of the character looking ahead in disbelief and watery eyes as if to cry.

Oh no, it's not my fault, I'm almost there, Please! No! No! Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!

Ext. Oxford Street - A Cold Winter's Day

JC-CU: AS 'impact' and then a fade into a view from above of the note and tissue burning to the ground. (In relation to the earlier point in the film)

Ext. Oxford Street - A Cold Winter's Day

Spiralling Down shot: Of him lying there in the same position and then him opening his eye in sync with the music and then cut to black.

Roll credits.