I felt that night vision was the right way to go for the middle section of the film, if it weren't done in that way then the tension would have been much more difficult to pull off. After doing that, it does and with it I feel that it is a very nice touch.
Along with this feature, I found that there were some effects that mixed well, such as the black and white colour as the character taps on the camera, I did it due to letting the in film features connect with the viewer looking directly as the character as he looks directly at the camera.
There was also a Bad TV feature which was used several times, also used to allow the viewer to feel as if they were there, I felt that it really helped express the uncomfortable environment that this character is in.
The fact that it was filmed in night vision in a pitch black room when there was daylight outside was very well mixed in my opinion; I liked how there were many things going on at once and for a brief period it was limited to a room of 10 by 10. This helped show the trouble the character was going through.
I also filmed night vision of the scene where he is outside but only for a delayed transition of him getting used to the change of light and how he is still in that mind set.
Hamdan- R & P Feedback 4
• You must have another 2 analyses of film magazine reviews, focusing on use of conventions, style, layout etc. Also, you need to have a scanned image of each magazine that you have analysed.
• Organise blog posts so that they are in clear chronological order and group similar posts together. Your production diary & animatic, for example come at the end of your blog at present.
• Have a post that clearly outlines your brand identity and how you are going to create this with the 3 products. Eg: style, colour, costume, lighting, atmosphere etc etc.
• MUST HAVE images for location scouting, together with detailed reasons for why you are using these.
• Filming schedule, with dates and what you have filmed (written as if it is before you filmed)
• Have a clear and detailed diary for each stage of production & post-production that outlines what has been completed at each stage, with brief notes on why/success of this etc.
• You have VERY LITTLE on the production stage of your film, despite the fact that you spent most of the time on this. You need to have images of you filming, screen grabs or video embedded of the different versions you went through, followed by audience feedback and your responses to this. You are simply throwing away marks by not including this.
• MAKE SURE that you upload & embed the first copy that was over-exposed and discuss the clear feedback given by me and others (?). Then how you will act on this feedback and what you did after this.
• Also include the second rough-cut, again with audience feedback and how you approached improving it. Mention any helpful work with Mutthakin etc.
• Have some screen grabs of the Final Cut, Motion, GarageBand interface, with different filters/techniques that you used and explanations of why these were used in relation to the style of your film etc.
• Include ideas that you worked through for titles and soundtrack, with embedded examples of practice and final versions, again with detailed reasons why.
• A post that outlines possible classification for your film, in-line with the BBFC guidelines, with reasons & images from the film used as evidence for this.
• Draft of your poster & magazine review, with writing that explains in detail each aspect of poster & magazine review, noting why they are used. Link to conventions of posters & magazine reviews and use terms and justify reasons why you are creating it in this way. Link to the overall brand identity that you are trying to create.
• Upload all the images that you took of characters for your poster/magazine, discussing the overall composition that you were going for and why; link to film/brand identity, and identify the final ones that you chose.
• As you work on your poster & magazine, make sure that you upload images of the different stages (taking grabs from Photoshop & InDesign, as well as exporting PNG/JPEG files of the different stages) and get audience feedback on each stage.
• Add in finished versions of your poster, magazine & film.
• Once you have finished them, you need to add on the powerpoint slides from your evaluation, under the heading for each key question (so four different posts), together with some bullet pointed notes on what you are going to discuss in your evaluation. As well as this, you will need to add in your completed evaluation commentary once finalised.
Mohammed- 10- Low level 2- Grade D