Tuesday 18 January 2011

Why I Filmed In Night Vision

I felt that night vision was the right way to go for the middle section of the film, if it weren't done in that way then the tension would have been much more difficult to pull off. After doing that, it does and with it I feel that it is a very nice touch.

Along with this feature, I found that there were some effects that mixed well, such as the black and white colour as the character taps on the camera, I did it due to letting the in film features connect with the viewer looking directly as the character as he looks directly at the camera.

There was also a Bad TV feature which was used several times, also used to allow the viewer to feel as if they were there, I felt that it really helped express the uncomfortable environment that this character is in. 

The fact that it was filmed in night vision in a pitch black room when there was daylight outside was very well mixed in my opinion; I liked how there were many things going on at once and for a brief period it was limited to a room of 10 by 10. This helped show the trouble the character was going through.

I also filmed night vision of the scene where he is outside but only for a delayed transition of him getting used to the change of light and how he is still in that mind set.

Production Diary 1

First Attempt On 'Retrospective':

I filmed on two occasions two very different films. The first time I filmed it was about a man waking up in the middle of Oxford Street not knowing where he was and how he got there.

When I started filming I discovered it was going to be a lot harder than I anticipated with me being the only one in my group. I must give thanks to my cousin who helped out in filming. It was very difficult to film in the middle of one of the busiest streets in the world mid-week. I persevered and tried to make it work as best as I can.

I had to use a hand held shot through out this production as it was extremely difficult to set up a tripod in such a restricted space. People walk in every direction you could barely stand let alone set up a tripod and film.

Once I decided to record pretty much all of it on a hand held, I thought I had cracked it but unfortunately not. I discovered post production that I had over exposed on the whole thing, this meant that I would risk losing a lot of marks due to a lack of detail and potential of showing minimal knowledge while filming which is something nobody wants to show.

I still edited the whole thing on a rough cut to see how it would turn out, unfortunately the result wasn't as i expected. I got a second opinion from my teacher and discovered that it still didn't make much sense and would also cause me to lose several marks having done all of that, so I thought to myself, it wasn't worth losing that many  marks. I ended up shooting a whole new film and the outcome of that is in the second production diary on my blog.

Tuesday 4 January 2011

The Big Shave Inspiration

I thought that 'The Big Shave' was an absolutely exhilarating short film and caused the utmost shock for me as it ended. It was very well created by Martin Scorsese in my opinion. The extreme close ups seemed to be intended to cause extreme unsettling feelings upon the viewer; it worked on me. It's the way the man was acting completely natural as he shaved. He then restarted for a second time and it made me think that he is obsessive and compulsive, and then all of a sudden he begins to cut himself.

The blood looked very realistic and the way it just kept dripping into the sink never ending was disturbing and made you wander what was going to happen when he finished, he simply finished and managed to maintain his calm nerve once again causing the audience to think, how?

It had a seemingly very confusing beginning, middle and end with no dialogue, but this included the true meaning of actions that speak louder than words.